
The Case of the Empty Juice Cup!

Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess who did not appreciate it when her juice cup went empty for more than THREE SECONDS!!!

She would display her displeasure throughout the kingdom in a VERY LOUD WAY!

It was very dangerous to to be in the presence of the Princess during her juiceless time as she had magical powers that could blow a Nikon into a million little pieces!

One day a Handsome Prince came along and was alarmed by the excruciating shrieks from the dehydrated Princess!

The Handsome Prince, threatened the Nikon witch to drop her equipment and tend to the starving, withering Princess!

Alas, Peace had come to the Kingdom and all was silent again for another five minutes.



Anonymous said...

That juiceless Princess is a stunner. And the Prince! Don't get me started about that Prince. I DO wish, though, that I could get a peek at that evil Nikon witch; she sounds intriguing.

Anonymous said...

ok, Natalie, that was downright HILARIOUS !!!!! people are going to expect captions with their pictures ! Luved it!

Anita said...

So funny! You inspire me to write better captions for my blog too:)
Great shots too...what was your ISO/Shutter????!! Heehee

Unknown said...

Hilarious!!!!!!! You crack me up. I cannot get enough of those first 3 photos. I want more stories like this!